Curriculum Vitae of Tuğrul Çavdar, Ph. D.




Nationality                  :           Turkish

Address (Work)          :           Department of Computer Engineering

                                                Karadeŋiz Technical University

                                                Trabzon 61080 Türkiye

Phone                          :           +90 (462) 3773127 (office), +90 (542) 5719237 (mobile)

E-mail                         : 





1997-2003         Doctorate of Philosophy, the Department of Electronics Engineering, Karadeŋiz Technical University. Graduated with GPA: 4.00 / 4.00. Thesis Title: “A New Sequential Block Data Estimation Algorithm and Its Performance Analysis over Frequency Selective Channels”.


1994-1997         Master Science, the Department of Electronics Engineering, Karadeŋiz Technical University. Graduated with GPA: 3.86 / 4.00. Thesis Title: “Design, Implementation, Control and Modeling of a Robot Arm”.


1990-1994         Bachelor of Science, the Department of Electronics Engineering, Karadeŋiz Technical University. Graduated with GPA: 3.69 / 4.00. Ranking: 1 in the Faculty of Engineering which includes 10 engineering departments. Thesis Title: “The Computer-Aided Investigating of the Path Geometry in the Cellular Mobile Communications”.





2024-                 Full Professor, Ph. D., the Department of Computer Engineering, Karadeŋiz Technical University.

2018-2023         Associate Professor, Ph. D., the Department of Computer Engineering, Karadeŋiz Technical University.

2007-2018         Assistant Professor, Ph. D., the Department of Computer Engineering, Karadeŋiz Technical University.

2014                  Visiting Professor, Department of Information Technology and System Management, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Salzburg, Austria.

2013                  Visiting Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering,Comillas Pontificial University, Madrid, Spain.

2012-2013         Visiting Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA.

2005-2007         Lecturer, Ph. D., the Department of Computer Engineering, Karadeŋiz Technical University.

1994-2005         Research Assistant, the Department of Computer Engineering, Karadeŋiz Technical University.





o     Quantum Computing, Quantum Communications, Quantum Machine Learning, Quantum Secure Communication (QKD, QSDC, QIA, QSS)

o     Wireless Networks (Internet of Things, Wireless Sensor Networks, Software Defined Networks)

o     Wireless Communications (Channel Equalization, Channel Coding/Decoding, 6G, TeraHertz Communications, Software Defined Radio, Cognitive Radio, Error Control Coding)

o     Robotics (Mobile Autonomous Robots, Humanoid Robots, Dynamic Balancing)

o     Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Bio-Inspired Optimization Techniques





Journal Papers


SCI-E Indexes:

1.           Ercüment Öztürk, Ayfer Dönmez Çavdar, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Optimization of Mixture Ratios of Raw Materials in Thermoplastic Hybrid Composites Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm”, The Journal of Supercomputing (SCIE Q3), Vol. 81, No. 13, Springer Nature, 2025, DOI: 10.1007/s11227-024-06555-2, WOS: , SCOPUS_ID:85206883302.

2.           Ercüment Öztürk, Ayfer Dönmez Çavdar, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Artificial Intelligence Applications in Composites: A Survey”, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering (SCIE Q1), Vol. , pp. , Springer, 2024, DOI: 10.1007/s11831-024-10169-5, WOS: 001298788600001, SCOPUS_ID:85202171009.

3.           Tuğrul Çavdar, Şeyma Aymaz, Samet Aymaz, “A framework for elephant flow detection for SDNs based on the classification”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, (SCIE Q2), Vol. 49, pp. 4243 - 4252, Springer, 2024, DOI: 10.1007/s13369-023-08345-z, WOS:001085167200005, SCOPUS_ID:85174242791.

4.           Şeyma Aymaz, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Efficient Routing by Detecting Elephant Flows with Deep Learning Method in SDN”, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering (SCIE Q4), Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 57-66, 2023, DOI: 10.4316/AECE.2023.03007, WOS: 001062641900007.

5.           Tuğrul Çavdar, Şeyma Aymaz, “New Approach to Dynamic Load Balancing in Software-Defined Network-Based Data Centers”, ETRI Journal (SCIE Q3), Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 433-447, Wiley, 2023, DOI: 10.4218/etrij.2021-0478, WOS: 000909839600001.

6.           Tuğrul Çavdar, Nader Ebrahimpour, Muhammet Talha Kakız, Faruk Baturalp Günay, “Decision‑making for the anomalies in IIoTs based on 1D convolutional neural networks and Dempster-Shafer theory (DS‑1DCNN)”, The Journal of Supercomputing (SCIE Q3), Vol. 79, pp. 1683-1704, Springer Nature, 2023, DOI: 10.1007/s11227-022-04739-2, WOS: 000836362100004.

7.           Tuğrul Çavdar, Faruk Baturalp Günay, Nader Ebrahimpour, Muhammet Talha Kakız, “An Optimal Anchor Placement Method Based on GWO and PSO for Localization in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks”, Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing (SCIE Q3), Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 1197-1222, Tech Science Press, 2022, DOI: 10.32604/iasc.2022.020127, WOS: 000701816800017.

8.           Tuğrul Çavdar, Muhammet Talha Kakız, Faruk Baturalp Günay, Nader Ebrahimpour, “SERDP: Signature-Based and Energy Efficient Relay Discovery Protocol for IoT in Cellular Networks”, International Journal of Communication Systems (SCIE Q3), Vol. 34, Nol. 12, pp. e4898, Wiley, August 2021, DOI: 10.1002/dac.4898, WOS: 000658539500001.

9.           Faruk Baturalp Günay, Ercüment Öztürk, Tuğrul Çavdar, Yusuf Sinan Hanay, Atta ur Rehman Khan, “Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) Localization Techniques: A Survey”, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering (SCIE, Q1), Vol. 28, Nol. 4, pp. 3001-3033, Springer, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s11831-020-09487-1, WOS: 000566898600002.

10.        Tuğrul Çavdar, Nader Ebrahimpour, “Decision Making for Small Industrial Internet of Things using Decision Fusion”, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (SCIE, Q4), TÜBİTAK, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 4134-4150, 2019, DOI: 10.3906/elk-1809-60, WOS: 000506165400008.

11.        Zhaleh Sadreddini, Pavel Mašek, Tuğrul Çavdar, Aleksandr Ometov, Jiří Hošek, Irina A. Gudkova, Sergey Andreev, “Dynamic Resource Sharing in 5G with LSA: Criteria-Based Management Framework”, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (SCIE, Q3), Wiley-Hindawi, Vol. 2018, DOI: 10.1155/2018/7302025, WOS: 000434159900001.

12.        Tuğrul Çavdar, Zhaleh Sadreddini, Erkan Güler, “Pre-Reservation based Spectrum Allocation Method for Cognitive Radio Network”, Telecommunication Systems (SCIE, Q3), Springer, Vol. 68, No. 4, pp. 723-743, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s11235-018-0424-6, WOS: 000436452400009.

13.        Tuğrul Çavdar, Erkan Güler, “HyMPRo: A Hybrid Multi-Path Routing Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks”, Telecommunication Systems (SCIE, Q3), Springer, Vol. 69, No. 1, pp. 61-76, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s11235-018-0426-4, WOS: 000439979700005.

14.        Tuğrul Çavdar, Muhammet Talha Kakız, “Threshold-Based Negotiation Framework for Grid Resource Allocation”, IET Communications (SCI, Q3), Vol. 11, No. 14, pp. 2236-2243, 12 October 2017, DOI: 10.1049/iet-com.2017.0352, WOS: 000412551000014.

15.        Tuğrul Çavdar, “PSO Tuned ANFIS Equalizer Based on Fuzzy C-means Clustering Algorithm”, AEÜ-International Journal of Electronics and Communications (SCI, Q2), Elsevier, Vol. 70, No. 6, pp. 799-807, June 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.aeue.2016.03.006, WOS: 000375818100007.

16.        Tuğrul Çavdar, Erkan Güler, Zhaleh Sadreddini, “Instant Overbooking Framework for Cognitive Radio Networks”, Computer Networks (SCIE, Q1), Elsevier, Vol. 76, pp. 227-241, 2015, DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2014.11.011, WOS: 000348882100015.

17.        Tuğrul Çavdar, “A New Multipath Channel Transformation Technique”, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (SCIE, Q4), TÜBİTAK, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 679-694, 2012, DOI: 10.3906/elk-1012-941, WOS: 000306302000003.

18.        Tuğrul Çavdar, Ali Gangal, "Application of Sequential Estimation Algorithm Based on Branch Metric to Frequency-Selective Channel Equalization", Wireless Personal Communications (SCIE, Q4), Springer, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 655-664, 2010, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-009-9827-8, WOS: 000283088700012.

19.        Tuğrul Çavdar, Ali Gangal, "A New Sequential Decoding Algorithm Based on Branch Metric", Wireless Personal Communications (SCIE, Q4), Springer, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 1093-1100, 2007, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-007-9285-0, WOS: 000251644900004.


ESCI Index:

20.        Pavel Mašek, Zhaleh Sadreddini, Tuğrul Çavdar, Jiří Hošek, “On the Performance of Spectrum Handoff Framework for Next-generation 5G Networks”, InfoCommunications Journal (Scopus, Inspec, Compendex), Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 7-14, 2017, WOS: 000441601100002.



21.        Erkan Güler, Muhammet Talha Kakız, Faruk Baturalp Günay, Burcu Şanal, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Kapalı Mekân Ortamında 1D-CNN Kullanarak Yapılan Doluluk Tespiti Sınıflandırması (Occupancy Detection Classification Using 1D-CNN in Indoor Environment)”, Karadeniz Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 60-71, 2023, DOI: 10.31466/kfbd.1162332.

22.        Tuğrul Çavdar, Ercüment Öztürk, “Termoplastik Hibrit Kompozitlerde Hammadde Karışım Oranı Optimizasyonu için Gri Kurt Algoritmasının Kullanılması (Using Gray Wolf Algorithm for Raw Material Mix Ratio Optimization in Thermoplastic Hybrid Composites)”, Karadeniz Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 749-762, 2022, DOI: 10.31466/kfbd.1140989.

23.        Ercüment Öztürk, Ahmet Ulu, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Prevent the Transmission of Useless Repeated Data to the Network in Internet of Things”, Turkish Journal of Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 39-42, 2019, DOI: 10.31127/tuje.443482.

24.        Tuğrul Çavdar, Ercüment Öztürk, “Nesnelerin İnterneti için Yeni bir Mimari Tasarımı (A Novel Architecture Design for Internet of Things)”, Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 50-59, February 2018, DOI: 10.16984/saufenbilder.285444.

25.        Tuğrul Çavdar, Zhaleh Sadreddini, “QoS-Driven Pricing Policy for Cognitive Radio Networks”, Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 637-642, August 2017, DOI: 10.16984/saufenbilder.276721.

26.        Tuğrul Çavdar, “Android ve Web Tabanlı Latin-Göktürk Yazı Sistemi Dönüştürücü Yazılımı (Android and Web-Based Roman-Old Turkic Writing System Transliteration Software)”, Fırat Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 331-340, March 2017.


Other Indexes:

27.        Alexis A. Dowhuszko, Carlos Guerra-Yáñez, Vasilis K. Papanikolaou, Máté Galambos, Tuğrul Çavdar, Niek Doelman, Florian Moll, Philipp Kleinpaß, Davide Orsucci, Innocenzo de Marco, Goran T. Djordjevic, Boštjan Batagelj, Majid Safari, and Stanislav Zvanovec, “Quantum Communications over Free Space Optical Satellite Links: Challenges and Opportunities”, EU COST Action CA19111 - NEWFOCUS. Contribution for the Third White Paper on Optical Wireless Communications, pp. 23-26, May 2024.

28.        Tuğrul Çavdar, “KökTürk Yazısı ve Eski Türkçe ile İlgili Yazılımlar (Old Turkic Script and the Softwares Related to Old Turkic)”, Ötüken, Vol. 201, pp. 14-22, May-June 2023.

29.        Erkan Güler, Muhammet Talha Kakız, Tuğrul Çavdar, Faruk Baturalp Günay, Burcu Şanal, “A Quantum Machine Learning Approach for Detecting User Locations”, Journal of Millimeterwave Communication, Optimization and Modelling, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-8, August 1, 2023.

30.        Hossein Barghi Jond, Vasif V. Nabiyev, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Trajectory Planning for Point-to-Point Motion Using High-order Polynomials”, Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 1-8, March 2020.

31.        Nader Ebrahimpour, Ercüment Öztürk, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Applications of Intermittently Connected Delay Tolerant Wireless Sensor Networks (ICDT-WSNs)-A Survey”, International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2019, pp. 261-268.

32.        Ercüment Öztürk, Ahmet Ulu, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Creating an Optimal Ad Hoc Network in Internet of Vehicles with Artificial Neural Networks”, International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2019, pp. 254-260.

33.        Tuğrul Çavdar, Mir Mohammad Reza Alavi Milani, “A New Heuristic Approach for Inverse Kinematics of Robot Arms”, Advanced Science Letters, American Scientific Publishers, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 329-333(5), January 2013, DOI: 10.1166/asl.2013.4700.

34.        Tuğrul Çavdar, “Bir Robot Kolunuŋ Tasarımı, Gerçeklenmesi, Denetimi ve Modellenmesi (Design, Implementation, Control and Modelling of a Robot Arm)”, Endüstri & Otomasyon, Vol. 125, pp. 26-32, August 2007.


Conference Papers


International Symposiums

1.         Nader EBRAHIMPOUR, Faruk Baturalp GÜNAY, Tuğrul ÇAVDAR, “Human Footprint Recognition Using Pre-Trained Convolutional Neural Network Models”, International Conference on Informatics and Computer Science 2024 (ICI-CS2024), March 14-15 2024, Ankara, Türkiye.

2.         Muhammet Talha Kakız, Erkan Güler, Tuğrul Çavdar, Burcu Şanal, “Binary Classification with Variational Quantum Circuit”, Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference (ASYU 2023), October 11-13 2023, Sivas, Türkiye.

3.         Erkan Güler, Muhammet Talha Kakız, Tuğrul Çavdar, Faruk Baturalp Günay, Burcu Şanal, “A Quantum Machine Learning Approach for Detecting User Locations”, International Conference on Cyber Security and Computer Science-2023 (ICONCS'23), May 6-7 2023, Karabük, Türkiye, Online.

4.          Ercüment ÖZTÜRK, Ayfer DÖNMEZ ÇAVDAR, Tuğrul ÇAVDAR, Fatih MENGELOĞLU, “Optimization of Hybrid Thermoplastic Composite Production Via Artificial Intelligence Approach”, Automotive Composites Conference & Exhibition, November 2-4 2021, Michigan, USA, Online.

5.          Ercüment ÖZTÜRK, Ayfer DÖNMEZ ÇAVDAR, Tuğrul ÇAVDAR, “Optimization of Ratio of Components in Hybrid Thermoplastic Composite Production Via Dragonfly Algorithm”, The 1st International Congress on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (ICADA 2021), November 26-28 2021, İzmir, Türkiye, Online.

6.          Şeyma AYMAZ, Tuğrul ÇAVDAR, Samet AYMAZ, “Load Balancing with a New Approach for Dynamic Server Selection in Software Defined Network”, The 1st International Conference on Electrical-Electronics and Computer Engineering (ICEECE 2021), July 24-25 2021, Trabzon, Türkiye, Online.

7.          Ercüment ÖZTÜRK, Tuğrul ÇAVDAR, “A Survey on The Future of Communication Technologies: IoT, 6G, 7G and Beyond”, The 1st International Conference on Electrical-Electronics and Computer Engineering (ICEECE 2021), July 24-25 2021, Trabzon, Türkiye, Online.

8.          Hakan Aydın, Tuğrul Çavdar, Parivash Dehghan, “Authentication In Software Defined IoT Networks”, SIU 2020 The 28th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, October 5-7 2020, Online.

9.          Nader Ebrahimpour, Ercüment Öztürk, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Applications of Intermittently Connected Delay Tolerant Wireless Sensor Networks (ICDT-WSNs)-A Survey”, 4th International Congress On 3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing) Technologies and Digital Industry, April 11-14 2019, Antalya, Türkiye.

10.       Ercüment Öztürk, Ahmet Ulu, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Creating an Optimal Ad Hoc Network in Internet of Vehicles with Artificial Neural Networks”, 4th International Congress On 3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing) Technologies and Digital Industry, April 11-14 2019, Antalya, Türkiye.

11.       Ercüment Öztürk, Faruk Baturalp Günay, Ahmet Ulu, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Optimization of the Sensor Nodes in IoT via Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms”, International Artvin Symposium’18 (IAS’18), October 18-20 2018, Artvin, Türkiye.

12.       Ercüment Öztürk, Ahmet Ulu, Tuğrul Çavdar, “A Novel Trend in Information Technologies: IoT and Industry 4.0”, International Artvin Symposium’18 (IAS’18), October 18-20 2018, Artvin, Türkiye.

13.      Faruk Baturalp Günay, Ercüment Öztürk, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Designing an IoT-Based System for Indoor Detection and Mapping of Harmful Gases”, International Artvin Symposium’18 (IAS’18), October 18-20 2018, Artvin, Türkiye.

14.       Ayfer Dönmez Çavdar, Ercüment Öztürk, Tuğrul Çavdar, “A Novel Approach to Increase the Quality of Composite Materials via Artificial Neural Networks”, International Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium ’18 (IDAP’18), September 28-30 2018, Malatya, Türkiye, DOI: 10.1109/IDAP.2018.8620829.

15.       Şeyma Aymaz, Tuğrul Çavdar, Samet Aymaz, Ercüment Öztürk, “An Analysis of Load Balancing Strategies with Wireshark in Software Defined Networks”, International Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium ’18 (IDAP’18), September 28-30 2018, Malatya, Türkiye, DOI: 10.1109/IDAP.2018.8620766.

16.       Zhaleh Sadreddini, Özge Makul, Tuğrul Çavdar, Faruk Baturalp Günay, “Performance Analysis of Licensed Shared Access Based Secondary Users Activity on Cognitive Radio Networks”, Electric Electronics, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineerings' Meeting (EBBT’2018), April 18-19 2018, İstanbul, Türkiye, DOI: 10.1109/EBBT.2018.8391442.

17.        Pavel Mašek, Zhaleh Sadreddini, Tuğrul Çavdar, Jiří Hošek, “Dynamic User-centric Spectrum Handoff in 5G Systems: Optimized Criteria Based Resource Management Framework”, 9th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT 2017), pp. 167-172, November 6-8 2017, Munich, Germany.

18.        Faruk Baturalp Günay, Ercüment Öztürk, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Designing Moving Leds to Save Energy Using Wireless Sensor Networks”, 8th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS’17), pp. 2198-2201, October 19-21 2017, Elazığ, Türkiye.

19.        Bûse Bekar, Ümmet Ocak, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Route Determination for Fire Evacuation Based On Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm”, 8th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS’17), pp. 2078-2084, October 19-21 2017, Elazığ, Türkiye.

20.        Faruk Baturalp Günay, Muhammet Talha Kakız, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Designing an Early Warning System for Avalanches Using Wireless Sensor Networks”, 8th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS’17), pp. 2193-2197, October 19-21 2017, Elazığ, Türkiye.

21.        Muhammet Talha Kakız, Ercüment Öztürk, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Network Slicing on 5G Mobile Networks: A Review, Research Issues and Challenges”, 8th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS’17), pp. 2049-2055, October 19-21 2017, Elazığ, Türkiye.

22.        Ercüment Öztürk, Faruk Baturalp Günay, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Optimization of the Traffic Lights Based on Density of Vehicles”, 8th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS’17), pp. 2044-2048, October 19-21 2017, Elazığ, Türkiye.

23.        Ercüment Öztürk, Muhammet Talha Kakız, Tuğrul Çavdar, “The Economical Importance and Contribution of Information Technologies to Rural and Regional Development: An Empirical Analysis”, 4th International Regional Development Conference (IRDC'17), pp. 684-690, September 21-23 2017, Tunceli, Türkiye.

24.        Muhammet Talha Kakız, Ercüment Öztürk, Tuğrul Çavdar, “A Novel SDN-Based IoT Architecture for Big Data”, International Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium ’17 (IDAP17), September 16-17 2017, Malatya, Türkiye, DOI: 10.1109/IDAP.2017.8090186.

25.        Şeyma Aymaz, Tuğrul Çavdar, Ayfer Dönmez Çavdar, “Fire Evacuation Route Determination based on Particle Swarm Optimization”, International Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium ’17 (IDAP’17), September 16-17 2017, Malatya, Türkiye, DOI: 10.1109/IDAP.2017.8090169.

26.        Pavel Mašek, Zhaleh Sadreddini, Tuğrul Çavdar, Jiří Hošek, “Modeling of Spectrum Handoff in 3GPP LTE-A Indoor Deployment”, 40th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2017), July 5-7 2017, Barcelona, Spain, DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2017.8075969.

27.        Zhaleh Sadreddini, Tuğrul Çavdar, Pavel Mašek, Jiří Hošek, Erkan Güler, “Dynamic Decision-Based Spectrum Sharing Framework for Next-generation (5G) Systems”, The 25th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SİU 2017), 15-18 Mayıs 2017, Antalya, Türkiye, DOI: 10.1109/SIU.2017.7960375.

28.        Mohammad Edris Rajaby, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Enhanced Web Cache Replacement Policy Based on Data Mining and RFSD Scoring”, 2nd World Conference on Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, pp. 293-298, May 12-14 2017, İstanbul, Türkiye, pp. 293-298, DOI: 10.17261/Pressacademia.2017.603.

29.        Şeyma Aymaz, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Ultrasonic Assistive Headset for Visually Impaired People”, 39th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2016), pp. 388-391, June 27-29 2016, Vienna, Austria, DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2016.7760903.

30.        Zhaleh Sadreddini, Tuğrul Çavdar, Hossein Barghi Jond, “A Distance Measurement Method Using Single Camera for Indoor Environments”, 39th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2016), pp. 462-465, June 27-29 2016, Vienna, Austria, DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2016.7760921.

31.        Zhaleh Sadreddini, Erkan Güler, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Performance Analysis of the Dynamic Switch System Based on User Activity in Cognitive Radio Network”, 39th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2016), pp. 145-148, June 27-29 2016, Vienna, Austria, DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2016.7760846.

32.        Zhaleh Sadreddini, Tuğrul Çavdar, “General Resource Management via Several Message Criteria in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks”, The 24th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SİU 2016), 16-19 Mayıs 2016, Zonguldak, Türkiye, DOI: 10.1109/SIU.2016.7495734.

33.        Erkan Güler, Zhaleh Sadreddini, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Multi-Path Route Discovery Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks Using Algebraic Connectivity”, 38th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2015), pp. 54-59, July 9-11 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2015.7296223.

34.        Zhaleh Sadreddini, Erkan Güler, Tuğrul Çavdar, “PSO-optimized Instant Overbooking Framework for Cognitive Radio Networks”, 38th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2015), pp. 49-53, July 9-11 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2015.7296222.

35.        Faruk Baturalp Günay, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Unmanned Mobile Fleet Application with Sensor Networks”, The 23th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SİU 2015), pp. 1718-1721, May 16-19 2015, Malatya, Türkiye, DOI: 10.1109/SIU.2015.7130209.

36.        Faruk Baturalp Günay, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Mobile Fleet Localization Model via RSSI, TOA and TDOA in Wireless Sensor Networks”, The 22th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SİU 2014), pp. 1431-1434, April 23-25 2014, Trabzon, Türkiye, DOI: 10.1109/SIU.2014.6830508.

37.        Mir Mohammad Reza Alavi Milani, Tuğrul Çavdar, Vahid Faryad Aghjehkand, “Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Determination of Ziegler-Nichols Parameters for PID Controller of Brushless DC Motors”, International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA 2012), July 2-4 2012, Trabzon, Türkiye, DOI: 10.1109/INISTA.2012.6246984.

38.        Mustafa Bilgehan İmamoğlu, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Performance Analysis of Spectrum Utilization in Cognitive Radio Networks by Using Penalty Function-Based Genetic Algorithm”, 2nd World Conference on Information Technology (WCIT 2011), pp. 250-255, November 24-27 2011, Antalya, Türkiye.

39.        Tuğrul Çavdar, Mustafa Bilgehan İmamoğlu, “A Novel Approach Based on Genetic Algorithm to Solve Spectrum Allocation Problem in Cognitive Radio Networks”, 6th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS’11), pp. 127-130, May 16-18 2011, Elazığ, Türkiye.

40.        Tuğrul Çavdar, Bekir Dizdaroğlu, "Design and Implementation of a Graphic Adaptor", 5th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS'09), May 13-15 2009, Karabük, Türkiye.

41.        Tuğrul Çavdar, "Design and Implementation of A Mat Forming Machine", 5th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS'09), May 13-15 2009, Karabük, Türkiye.

42.        Bekir Dizdaroğlu, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Color Image Editing Based on Poisson Equation”, 5th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS'09), May 13-15 2009, Karabük, Türkiye.

43.        Tuğrul Çavdar, “A New Channel Equalizer for High Speed Communication Systems”, The 12th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SİU 2004), pp. 530-533, April 28-30 2004, Kuşadası/Aydın, Türkiye, DOI: 10.1109/SIU.2004.1338582.

44.        Tuğrul Çavdar, Ali Gangal, Temel Kayıkçıoğlu, “A Maximum Likelihood Soft Decision Sequential Decoding Algorithm and Its Performance Comparison with Other Sequential Decoding Algorithms”, The 11th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SİU 2003), pp. 711-714, June 18-20 2003, İstanbul, Türkiye.


National Symposiums

45.      Erkan Güler, Muhammet Talha Kakız, Tuğrul Çavdar, Burcu Şanal, Faruk Baturalp Günay, “İki Kübitlik Parametreli Kuantum Devreleriniŋ Performans Analizi (Performance Analysis of Parameterized Quantum Circuits with Two Qubits)”, 16. Ulusal Yazılım Mühendisliği Sempozyumu (UYMS’22), February 27-March 1 2023, Erzurum, Türkiye.

46.        Zhaleh Sadreddini, Pavel Mašek, Jiří Hošek, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Dynamic Spectrum Handoff with LSA Framework for Next-generation (5G) Systems”, İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi Haberleşme Teknolojileri ve Uygulama Çalıştayı, August 1 2017, İstanbul, Türkiye.

47.        Zhaleh Sadreddini, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Bilişsel Radyo Ağlarında Dinamik Kaynak Yöŋetiminiŋ Performans Analizi (Performance Analysis of Dynamic Spectrum Management in Cognitive Radio Networks)”, Elektrik-Elektronik, Bilgisayar, Biyomedikal Mühendislikleri Bilimsel Toplantısı (EBBT’2017), April 20-21 2017, İstanbul, Türkiye, DOI: 10.1109/EBBT.2017.7956766.

48.        Şeyma Aymaz, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Uzabulunum Robotlarda Konum Tespiti (Detection Position of Telepresence Robots)”, 2016 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı (TOK’2016), pp. 181-184, September 29-October 1 2016, Eskişehir, Türkiye.

49.        Tuğrul Çavdar, Şeyma Aymaz, “Bir Uzabulum Robotuŋ Tasarımı ve Gerçeklenmesi (Design and Implementation of a Telepresence Robot)”, Mühendislikte Yeŋi Teknolojiler Sempozyumu (MYT 2015), pp. 220-226, October 22-24 2015, Bayburt, Türkiye.

50.        Ayfer Dönmez Çavdar, Tuğrul Çavdar, Firdevs Kulak, Alper Torun, “Farklı Kullanıcı Türleri için Akıllı Ev Tasarımları ve Teknolojileriniŋ Sınıflandırılması (Designs of Smart Homes for Several Types of Users and the Classification of Their Technologies)”, 1. Ulusal İç Mimari Tasarım Sempozyumu (İMTS 2015), pp. 71-80, October 12-13 2015, Trabzon, Türkiye.

51.        Faruk Baturalp Günay, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Kablosuz Algılayıcı Ağlarla Müze Ziyaretçisi Lokalizasyon Modeli (Museum Visitor Localization Model Through Wireless Sensor Networks)”, 2. Ulusal Yöŋetim Bilişim Sistemleri Kongresi (YBS 2015), pp. 1366-1372, October 8-10 2015, Erzurum, Türkiye.

52.        Tuğrul Çavdar, “İki Serbestlik Dereceli bir Robot Kolu (A Robot Arm with Two Degrees of Freedom)”, 3. Otomasyon Sempozyumu, pp. 170-175, 11-12 Kasım 2005, Denizli, Türkiye.

53.        Tuğrul Çavdar, “DSP’lerde İşlem Karmaşıklığını İndirgeme üzerine bir Çalışma (A Work on Reducing Computational Complexity in DSPs)”, Elektrik-Elektronik-Bilgisayar Mühendisliği 11. Ulusal Kongresi ve Fuarı, pp. 324-327, September 22-25 2005, İstanbul, Türkiye.

54.        Tuğrul Çavdar, Mustafa Ulutaş, Sadettin Aksoy, “Bir Robot Kolunuŋ Tasarımı, Gerçeklenmesi ve Kontrolu (Design, Implementation and Control of a Robot Arm)”, Elektrik-Elektronik Bilgisayar Mühendisliği 7. Ulusal Kongresi, pp. 236-239, September 8-14 1997, Ankara, Türkiye.

55.        Adnan Cora, Tuğrul Çavdar, “Hücresel Hareketli Yėr Haberleşmesinde Yol Geometrisiniŋ Bilgisayar Destekli İncelenmesi (Computer Aided Investigation of Path Geometry in Cellular Mobile Terrain Communications)”, Elektrik Mühendisliği 6. Ulusal Kongresi, pp. 700-703, September 11-17 1995, Bursa, Türkiye.





Ph. D. Thesis



1.           Ercüment Öztürk, “Development of a Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Optimization Method and Its Use in the Composite Material Production Process”.

2.           Şeyma Aymaz, “Optimizing the Load Balance Problem On Software-Defined Networks”, September 2023.

3.           Nader Ebrahimpour, “Decision Making in Industrial Internet of Things Based on Deep Learning and Dempster Shafer Theory”, October 2022.

4.           Faruk Baturalp Günay, “An Optimal Anchor Placement Method Based on GWO and PSO for Localization in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks”, September 2021.

5.           Muhammed Talha Kakız, “Signature-Based and Energy-Efficient Device Discovery Protocol Between the Internet of Things and Relay Devices in Cellular Networks”, August 2021.

6.           Erkan Güler, “Design of A Novel Hybrid Multi-Path Routing Method for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks”, June 2019.

7.           Zhaleh Sadreddini, “A Novel Spectrum Management Model Based on Multi Criteria Decision Making Methods in Cognitive Radio Networks”, May 2019.


8.           Burcu Ergün, “Quantum Security Based on Quantum Secret Sharing and Quantum Permutation Pad”.

9.           Aziz Kerem Özkan, “A Novel Quantum Surface Coding on 8-Shaped Torus”


M. Sc. Thesis



1.           Ercüment Öztürk, “Proposing a Novel General Purposed Architectural Model for the Internet of Things”, January 2018.

2.           Mohammad Edris Rajaby, “Dynamic Web Cache Replacement Algorithm and Optimal Placement of Web Cache Server”.

3.           Şeyma Demir, “Design and Implementation of a Telepresence Robot”, May 2016.

4.           Faruk Baturalp Günay, “Unmanned Control of Terrestrıal Fleet through Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks”, January 2015.






1.           “Bir Hibrit Termoplastik Kompozit Malzeme Üretim Sistemi ve Yöntemi (A Hybrid Thermoplastic Composite Material Production System and Method)”, Türk Patent, Application & Registration # 2021/015560, Date of Registration: October 23rd 2023.




2.           As researcher: TÜBİTAK 2515 (International), Project Title: “"Biyokömür Kullanarak Araçlar için Çevre Dostu ve Sürdürülebilir Yakıt Sistemi Bileşenleriniŋ Geliştirilmesi ve Üretimi (Development and Production of Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable Fuel System Components for Vehicles Using Biochar)”, Project# 123R065, Ongoing.

3.           As researcher: TÜBİTAK 1001, Project Title: “"Kollu Galeri Açma Makineleri için Yapay Zekâ Destekli Otonom Kazı Optimizasyon Sistemi Geliştirilmesi ()”, Project# 123M879, Ongoing.

4.           As researcher: TÜBİTAK 1001, Project Title: “Gerçeğe Yakın Model Deneylerle Yangına Maruz Kalacak Tarihi Yapılarda Asit Yağmurlarınıŋ Uzun Yıllar Etkileriniŋ Tahmini (Prediction of the Long-Year Effects of Acid Rain on Historical Buildings Exposed to Fire with Lifelike Model Experiments)”, Project# 222M235, Ongoing.

5.           As coordinator: Karadeŋiz Technical University, Scientific Research Projects, Project Title: " Büyük Ölçekli Yazılım Tanımlı Ağlarda (SDN) Yük Dengeleme Probleminiŋ Optimizasyonu (Optimization of Load Balancing Problem in Large-Scale Software Defined Networks)", Project# FAY-2021-9701, Completed.

6.           As researcher: TÜBİTAK 1002, Project Title: “Yapay Zeka Optimizasyon Tekniği ile Hibrit Kompozit Bileşenleriniŋ Optimizasyonu: Lignin / Zeolit / Doğal Lif Takviyeli Termoplastik Esaslı Hibrit Kompozit Örneği (Optimization of Hybrid Composite Components with Artificial Intelligence Optimization Technique: The Case of Lignin / Zeolite / Natural Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Based Hybrid Composite)”, Project# 120O339, Completed.

7.           As coordinator: Karadeŋiz Technical University, Scientific Research Projects, Project Title: " Kablosuz Duyarga ve Aktüatör Ağları Yardımıyla Karasal Filolarıŋ İnsansız Denetimi (Unmanned Control of Terrestrial Fleets with the Help of Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks)", Project# 10041, Completed.

8.           As coordinator: Karadeŋiz Technical University, Scientific Research Projects, Project Title: " Yüksek Hızlı Kablosuz Haberleşme Sistemleri için Yeŋi bir Ardışık Kod Çözme Algoritması & Kablosuz Kanal Denkleştirme Tekniği ve KTÜ Ağında Kurulacak Pilot bir Kablosuz Altağda Başarımınıŋ İncelenmesi (A New Sequential Decoding Algorithm & Wireless Channel Equalization Technique for High Speed Wideband Communication Systems and Its Performance Analysis in a Pilot Net established in the KTU Network)", Project# 2005.112.009.2, Completed.

9.           As coordinator: The design and implementation of new network system of Campus of Karadeŋiz Technical University, 2005, Completed.

10.        As researcher: Karadeŋiz Technical University, Scientific Research Projects, Project Title " Endüstriyel bir Robot Kolunuŋ Tasarımı, Gerçeklenmesi ve Kontrolü (Design, Implementation and Control of an Industrial Robot Arm)", Project#, Completed.



Private Projects


1.           Stock control software, 1992.

2.           Student grade/GPA calculation/database software, 1993.

3.           The Fuzzy control of an inverted pendulum, 1994.

4.           Digital image processing software, 1995.

5.           Queue system simulation with Prolog logical language, 1996.

6.           TrueType font design for Orkhun alphabet, 1996.

7.           The simulations of some numerical analysis methods, 1997.

8.           The simulation of a nonlinear compensator, 1997.

9.           A simulation on Texas Instruments C50 DSP, 1998.

10.        The Monte Carlo simulations of narrowband and wideband Rayleigh fading channels, 1998.

11.        The simulations of the LMS (Least Mean Square) channel equalizer, 1999.

12.        The simulations of the RLS (Recursive Least Squares) channel equalizer, 1999.

13.        The simulations of the Viterbi algorithm, 2000.

14.        The simulations of the Fano algorithm, 2003.

15.        The simulations of the Stack algorithm, 2003.

16.        The simulations of the Multiple-Stack algorithm, 2003.

17.        TrueType font design for Orkhun alphabet, 2004.

18.        TrueType font design for Orkhun alphabet, 2007.

19.        TrueType font design for Orkhun alphabet, 2015.

20.        Old Turkic Translator for Windows, 2015.

21.        Old Turkic Keyboard for Android, 2015.

22.        TrueType font design for Orkhun alphabet, 2016.

23.        Old Turkic Translator for Android, 2016.

24.        Old Turkic Keyboard for Windows, 2016.

25.        Old Turkic Translator for Web, 2016.

26.        Old Turkic Keyboard for Web, 2017.

27.        TrueType font design for Orkhun alphabet, 2017.

28.        Old Turkic Dictionary for Android, 2017.

29.        Old Turkic Dictionary for Web, 2017.

30.        Old Turkic Dictionary for Windows, 2018.

31.        TrueType font design for Orkhun alphabet, 2019.

32.        Old Uighur Dictionary for Web, 2019.

33.        Old Uighur Dictionary for Android, 2019.

34.        Old Turkic Keyboard Layout and IME (Input Method Editor) for Windows, 2020.

35.        TrueType font design for Orkhun alphabet, 2021.





o     Electrical Circuits

o     Electronic Circuits

o     Robotics

o     Wireless Communications

o     Wireless Mobile Networks

o     Quantum Computing





o     Departmental Erasmus Coordinator since 2013.

o     Head of the Division "Computer Hardware" at the Department of Computer Engineering in Karadeŋiz Technical University since 2010.

o     Member of the Technical Commission of Karadeŋiz Technical University since 2012.

o     Vice Head of the Department of Computer Engineering in Karadeŋiz Technical University (2009-2013).

o     Member of the Student Internship Commission of the Department of Computer Engineering at Karadeŋiz Technical University (1997-2007).

o     Member of the Technical Commission of Karadeŋiz Technical University (2000-2002).

o     Member of the Adaptation Commission of the Department of Computer Engineering at Karadeŋiz Technical University (1999-2000).





o     Sent as a Visiting Professor to Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA for four months (2012-2013) with the scholarship of by Turkish Council of Higher Education.

o     Sent as a Visiting Professor to Comillas Pontificial University, Madrid, Spain under Erasmus programme in June 2013.

o     Sent as a Visiting Professor to Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Salzburg, Austria under Erasmus programme in June 2012.





1.           Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# TJEECS-2023-00085 “IMU-Altitude-Fusion (IAF) Algorithm for Indoor Navigation”, February 2024.

2.           Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# TJEECS-2023-00130 “An Efficient Approach for Indoor Camera Pose Estimation through Deep Learning”, February 2024.

3.           Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK -2311-113 “An efficient selective mapping strategy empowered by dual symbol optimization procedure to minimize the PAPR of WOLA-OFDM waveform”, December 2023.

4.           Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2207-9 “An IoT-Fog-Cloud Integrated Framework for instantaneous remote diagnosis of Heart diseases”, July 2022.

5.           Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2109-179 “Priority Enabled Content Based Forwarding in Fog Computing via SDN”, October 2021.

6.           Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2108-179 “Adaptive Beamforming for V2I Scenario Using Deep Learning with Respect to Sensor Array Properties”, September 2021.

7.           Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2107-114 “IoTMAD: Robust Distance Covariance Multivariate Anomaly Detection for IoT Health Data”, July 2021.

8.           Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2105-1 “Joint carrier frequency and phase offset estimation algorithm  for CPM-DSSS based secure point-to-point communication”, May 2021.

9.           Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2101-95 “ML-LGBM: A Machine Learning Model for the Detection of Version Number Attacks in RPL-Based Networks”, February 2021.

10.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2009-190 “A Study on Integration Orthogonal DVB-T2 and Non-Orthogonal MC-LDM Transmission for Cellular DTV Broadcasting”, November 2020.

11.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2009-181 “IoT based system for sewage overflow prevention using heterogeneous communication networks”, October 2020.

12.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2009-82 “A new empirical propagation model depending on volumetric density in fruit orchards for WSN applications at 5G frequency region”, September 2020.

13.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2007-83 “A CMOS 180 nm cascade radio frequency power amplifier with reverse body bias at 28 GHz for 5G applications”, August 2020.

14.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2008-9 “Evaluation of Deep Learning Models for Smoking Recognition with Smartwatch and Smartphone Sensors”, August 2020.

15.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2005-54 “Iterative Interference Alignment with Spatial Hole Sensing in MIMO Cognitive Radio Networks”, May 2020.

16.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2004-152 “A Novel Feature-Based DDoS Detection and Mitigation Scheme in SDN Controller Using Queueing Theory”, May 2020.

17.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2004-137 “Performance evaluation of a power allocation algorithm based on dynamic blocklength estimation for URLLC in the multicarrier downlink NOMA systems”, April 2020.

18.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2004-70 “Wireless mesh networks, harsh channel environments, multi-hop communications, industrial internet of things (IIoT)”, March 2020.

19.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2003-65 “IoT-TDMA: A Performance Evaluation of TDMA Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks with Internet of Things”, March 2020.

20.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2003-5 “Dynamic Distributed Trust Management Scheme for the Internet of Things”, March 2020.

21.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2002-107 “IoT based Smart Health Assessment Framework for Pregnancy”, February 2020.

22.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2001-120 “Fiber Nonlinearity Compensation to Performance A New Calibration”, February 2020.

23.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-2001-17 “High-density grid wireless mesh network routing protocol for oil and gas pipeline network”, January 2020.

24.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1906-116 “Cooperative Spectrum Sensing with Energy Harvesting for Nakagami fading channels”, January 2020.

25.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1910-195 “A high available multi-controller structure for SDN and placement of multi-controllers of SDN with optimized k-means algorithm”, November 2019.

26.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK- 1910-98 “Extending the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks Using Deep Reinforcement Learning in a Software-Defined Network Architecture”, November 2019.

27.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1909-112 “Real-time anomaly detection and mitigation using streaming telemetry in SDN”, October 2019.

28.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1907-222 “A PSO based exact frequency tracking algorithm for a wireless power transfer system under frequency-splitting conditions”, September 2019.

29.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1907-206 “Fuzzy genetic based dynamic spectrum allocation (FGDSA) approach for cognitive radio sensor networks”, September 2019.

30.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1907-22 “Optimal Harvesting and Sensing Durations for Cognitive Radio Networks in the presence of Rayleigh fading channels”, August 2019.

31.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1907-7 “Experimental assessment of Wi-Fi signal levels in indoor environments”, August 2019.

32.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1905-142 “Transmit antenna selection based 3-D constellation design for JM-SM and JM-GSM”, August 2019.

33.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1907-43 “An affordable and scalable open architecture IoT eco-system for the academic community”, August 2019.

34.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1811-145 “Asynchronous track-to-track association algorithm based on reference topology feature”, August 2019.

35.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1904-114 “A Transmission optimization algorithm for smart load controllers”, June 2019.

36.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1906-55 “Sensors Anomaly Detection of Industrial Internet of Things Based on Edge Computing”, June 2019.

37.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1905-6 “Outage Probability of MIMO Cognitive Radio Networks with Energy Harvesting and Adaptive Transmit Power”, June 2019.

38.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1904-179 “An Inter-Domain Attack Mitigating Solution”, May 2019.

39.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1904-161 “Sensor array processing using data acquisition system and graphical User interface”, May 2019.

40.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1904-143 “Reliability Comparisons of Mobile Network Operators: An Experimental Case Study from Crowdsourced Dataset”, May 2019.

41.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1902-113 “Detection of Malicious Users using Minimum Covariance Determinant approach in Cooperative sensing environment”, April 2019.

42.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1901-57 “An energy efficient load balanced clustering approach for wireless sensor networks”, February 2019.

43.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK- 1901-154 “Ultimate Secrecy in Wireless Communications”, February 2019.

44.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1811-85 “Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure of Multi-operator Co-sited Urban Base Stations”, December 2018.

45.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1809-203 “The method of limiting the emissivity of the WSN network”, November 2018.

46.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1810-94 “Throughput Enhanced Scheduling (TES) Scheme for Very Dense Networks”, October 2018.

47.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1808-213 “Congestion Free Transient Plane for Protection Against Link Failures in SDN”, September 2018.

48.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1807-332 “Modulation Classification of MFSK Modulated Signals Using Spectral Centroid”, September 2018.

49.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1807-241 “Swarm Intelligence Based Routing Algorithms: A Review and Comparison”, August 2018.

50.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1807-218 “Optimization of spectrum utilization in cognitive radio networks”, August 2018.

51.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1806-155 “Power allocation for cooperative AF relaying in spectrum-sharing networks”, July 2018.

52.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1806-221 “The biobjective multiarmed bandit: learning approximate lexicographic optimal allocations”, July 2018.

53.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1806-175 “A Security Method for Intrusion Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Based on DSR Protocol”, July 2018.

54.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1804-73 “A Simple Method for Controlling the Transmitter Power in Uplink IDMA and CDMA Systems”, June 2018.

55.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1804-87 “Spectrum sensing based on higher order cumulants and kurtosis statistics tests in cognitive radio”, June 2018.

56.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1804-211 “Fault Tolerant Node Disjoint Multipath Routing Algorithms for MANETs”, June 2018.

57.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1802-202 “A novel multicast routing-based architecture for wireless sensor networks with multi-beam directional antennas”, May 2018.

58.       Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1803-80 “An efficient flow-based multi-level hybrid intrusion detection system for software-defined networks”, April 2018.

59.       Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1802-214 “A Dynamic Channel Assignment Method for Multi-Channel Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks”, April 2018.

60.       Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1712-268 “Broadcast cognitive radio with dirty paper coding over Nakagami-m fading channels”, April 2018.

61.       Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1803-50 “Energy-aware intelligent hybrid ACO-A* clustering routing protocol for wireless sensor networks”, March 2018.

62.       Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1712-196 “A novel and unified approach for averaged channel capacity and averaged effective capacity analyses of diversity combining and multihop transmission schemes in flat fading environments”, March 2018.

63.       Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1801-219 “Doubly selective channel equalization based on piecewise linear interpolation combined with gradient descent iterations”, March 2018.

64.       Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1706-292 “Impact of the primary user on the secondary user blocking probability in cognitive radio sensor networks”, February 2018.

65.       Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK- 1801-97 “Urgency-aware scheduling algorithm for downlink cognitive Long Term Evolution-Advanced”, January 2018.

66.       Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK- 1712-51 “An Enhanced Security Approach to IoT Management on Information-Centric Networking”, December 2017.

67.       Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK- 1712-28 “Proposing a F-WOA Method for Fraud Detection in Electronic Banking”, December 2017.

68.       Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1711-288 “Steps towards 5G with massive MIMO technology”, November 2017.

69.       Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1706-292 “An analytical model to calculate blocking probability of secondary user in cognitive radio sensor networks”, October 2017.

70.       Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1703-348 “Speedy leader election to avoid application discontinuity in cognitive radio networks”, May 2017.

71.       Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1306-236 “PAPR reduction using genetic algorithm in lifted based wavelet packet modulation systems”, July 2013.






1.           Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Engineering, Journal of Science and Engineering (DEU FMD), e-ISSN: 2547-958X, Manuscript# 1454973 (Discovering Quantum Special State Qubits: A Qiskit Approach), March 2024.

2.           Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences (SCI-E), ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# TJEECS-2023-00026 (Enhancing aorta segmentation in contrast CT images: A novel deep architectural approach), February 2024.

3.           Karadeniz Fen Bilimleri Dergisi (TR-Dizin), ISSN: 2564-7377, Manuscript# 1147660 (Derin Öğrenmeye Dayalı Narenciye Hastalığı Sınıflandırması), January 2023.

4.           International Journal of Information Security Science (TR-Dizin), ISSN: 2147-0030, Manuscript# 1137914 (Detailed Analysis of Sybil Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks), August 2022.

5.           Düzce University Journal of Science and Technology (TR-Dizin), e-ISSN: 2148-2446, Manuscript# 1030282 (Kenar, Sis ve Bulut Sistemlerde Kaynak Tahsisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma), January 2022.

6.           Pamukkale University Journal of Business Research, e-ISSN: 2757-7260, Manuscript# 1026348 (Bir Servis Robotu Olarak Telepresence (Uzabulunum) Robotlar), November 2021.

7.           Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences (SCI-E), ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1811-145 (Asynchronous track-to-track association algorithm based on reference topology feature), March 2019.

8.           Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences (SCI-E), ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1811-160 (FPGA Implementation of Minimum Mean Brightness Error Bi-Histogram Equalization), December 2018.

9.           Gazi University Journal of Science (ESCI, TR-Dizin), ISSN: 2147-1762, Manuscript# 433892 (Impact of Trimet Graph Optimization Topology on Survivable Networks), July 2018.

10.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences (SCI-E), ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1710-226 (Hybrid cross-platform applications framework for mobile devices), January 2018.

11.        AEÜ-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Elsevier, Manuscript# AEUE_2017_139 (Performance Analysis of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing over Large and Small Scale Fading Channels), February 2017.

12.        Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi Part C: Tasarım ve Teknoloji, Manuscript# 5000205827 (Slotsuz IEEE 802.15.4 Ağlarda CSMA/CA Parametre Değerlerinin Hesabına Yönelik Monte Carlo Makinesinin Tasarımı), February 2017.

13.        Gazi University Journal of Information Technologies, e-ISSN: 2147-0715, (Türkiye'deki Web TV Çözümlerinin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi ve En İyi Uygulamaları), March 2017.

14.        Gazi University Journal of Information Technologies, e-ISSN: 2147-0715, (Doğru Akım Motor Sürücüleri için PI Parametrelerinin Simbiyotik Organizmalar Arama Algoritması ile Optimal Ayarı), March 2017.

15.        Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, ISSN: 2147-5881, Manuscript# PAJES-71084 (Araçsal Tasarsız Ağlarda Araçtan Araca Yönlendirme Protokolleri), December 2016.

16.        Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, ISSN: 2147-5881, Manuscript# PAJES-27482 (Terahertz Teknolojisi Uygulamaları ve Terahertz Dalgalarının Kablosuz Haberleşme için Elektromanyetik Modellemesi), November 2016.

17.        Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, ISSN: 2147-5881, Manuscript# PAJES-71677 (Maden Ocaklarında Madenciler için Yer Tespiti Uygulaması), July 2016.

18.        Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi Part C: Tasarım ve Teknoloji, Manuscript# 5000191278 (Kognitif Radyo Şebekelerinde Enerji Verimliliği Çalışmalarının Değerlendirilmesi), June 2016.

19.        Gazi University Journal of Informatics Technologies, e-ISSN: 2147-0715, Manuscript# (Giyilebilir Duyargaların Kesin Besicilikte Büyükbaş Hayvanlara Uygulanması: Basit bir Yöntemle Yemlenmenin Geviş Aktivitesinden Ayrıştırılması), June 2016.

20.        Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, ISSN: 1300-0632, Manuscript# ELK-1404-246 (Load mitigation and optimal power capture for variable speed wind turbine in region 2), February 2015.

21.        Robotica, ISSN: 0263-5747, Manuscript# ROB-REG-14-0316.R1 (Motion planning and implementation for the self-recovery of an overturned multi-legged robot), January 2015.

22.        Gazi University Journal of Informatics Technologies, e-ISSN: 2147-0715, Manuscript# (Kontrolör Tasarımı için GA Kullanıldığı MATLAB ve .NET Tabanlı Bir Windows Uygulaması), September 2013.

23.        Yıldız Technical University Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, e-ISSN: 1304-7205, Manuscript# YTUJENS-2013-232 (Gezgin Robotlar için Görsel Temelli Yönelim ve Ortam Açıklık Bilgilerinin Kestirimi), July 2013.

24.        Gazi University Journal of Informatics Technologies, e-ISSN: 2147-0715, Manuscript# (Kablosuz Ağlar için bir DoS Saldırısı Tasarımı), July 2013.

25.        International Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, ISSN: 2330-1007, Manuscript# WCM-12-0549 (Theoretical Performance Analysis of Radio Frequency Fingerprinting under Receiver Distortions), March 2013.



1.           39th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2016), June 27-29 2016, Vienna, Austria.

2.           9th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO 2015), November 26-28 2015, Bursa, Turkey.

3.           38th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2015), July 9-11 2015, Prague, Czech Republic.

4.           IEEE 23. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı (SİU 2015), 16-19 Mayıs 2015, Malatya, Türkiye.

5.           Elektrik-Elektronik, Bilgisayar ve Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Sempozyumu (ELECO 2014), 27-29 Kasım 2014, Bursa, Türkiye.

6.           IEEE 22. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı (SİU 2014), 23-25 Nisan 2014, Trabzon, Türkiye.

7.           8th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO 2013), November 28-30 2013, Bursa, Türkiye.

8.           International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA 2012), July 2-4 2012, Trabzon, Türkiye.

9.           Akıllı Sistemlerde Yeŋilikler ve Uygulamaları (ASYU 2012), 3-4 Temmuz 2012, Trabzon, Türkiye.

10.        7th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO 2011), December 1-4 2011, Bursa, Türkiye.

11.        Elektrik-Elektronik, Bilgisayar ve Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Sempozyumu (ELECO 2010), 2-5 Aralık 2010, Bursa, Türkiye.



1.           Trabzon Teknokent, Project Title: “Ev Kullanımına Yönelik İdrar Tahlil Kiti Geliştirilmesi ve Yönetimi Sistemi”, September 18th 2023.

2.           Trabzon Teknokent, Project Title: “STEM TABANLI DİJİTAL OYUN GELİŞTİRME”, March 22nd 2023.

3.           Trabzon Teknokent, Project Title: “STARGATE”, March 22nd 2023.

4.           TÜBİTAK TEYDEB Project# 7210472 (Ticari Araçlar için Kör Nokta Uyarı Sistemi Tasarımı), September 20th 2021.

5.           TÜBİTAK TEYDEB Project# 7210258 (Savunmasız Yol Kullanıcıları için Kör Nokta Uyarı Sistemi Tasarımı), May 11th 2021.

6.           TÜBİTAK TEYDEB Project# 7210009 (Bulut Teknoloji Altyapısı ile Veri Ağ Geçiti ve Kaydedici Sistem Tasarımı ve Geliştirilmesi), April 7th 2021.

7.           Trabzon Teknokent, Project Title: “Dijital Arşiv Yönetim Sistemi Ar-Ge Projesi (AKGÜN DIGITAL ARCHIVE)”, December 22nd 2020.

8.           TÜBİTAK UPAG Panel# 2020-1 (Projects# 220N118, 220N119, 220N120), December 7th 2020.

9.           Trabzon Teknokent, Project Title: “İDEA CSM”, December 7th 2020.

10.        TÜBİTAK TEYDEB Project# 7201144 (Yapay Zeka Tabanlı Sürüş Koşulları ve Araç Durumu Tespit ve Uyarı Sistemi), October 20th 2020.

11.        Trabzon Teknokent, Project Title: “E-Radyoloji Bilgi Yönetim ve Görüntüleme Sistemi”, July 24th 2020.

12.        Trabzon Teknokent, Project Title: “Web İş Süreçlerinin Yönetimi (Webisyön)”, June 5th 2020.

13.        Trabzon Teknokent, December 4th 2019.

14.        Trabzon Teknokent, Project Title: “Toplu Ulaşım Entegrasyon Projesi (TULEP)”, November 22nd 2019.

15.        TÜBİTAK External Supervisory  (Project# ), October 31st 2019.

16.        Trabzon Teknokent, November 9th 2018.

17.        Trabzon Teknokent, Project Title: “İnsansız Hava Aracı Yerli Donanımları Tasarımı ve Prototip Üretimi”, October 1st 2018.

18.        TÜBİTAK External Supervisory  (Project# 118E686), September 3rd 2018.

19.        TÜBİTAK 1001 Panel# 2018-1-Internet of Things (Projects# 118E140, 118E154, 118E209, 118E212, 118E278), May 31st 2018.

20.        TÜBİTAK 1001 Panel# 2017-1-Information Science 9 (Projects# 117E023, 117E028, 117E037, 117E141, 117E169), May 6th 2017.

21.        KTUPRJ-98, KTÜ TTO Project Market, May 3rd 2017.

22.        Trabzon Teknokent, May 30th 2016.

23.        Trabzon Teknokent, May 13rd 2016.

24.        Trabzon Teknokent, Project Title: “E-Radyoloji Bilgi Yönetim ve Görüntüleme Sistemi”, April 4th 2016.

25.        Trabzon Teknokent, December 1st 2015.

26.        Trabzon Teknokent, Project Title: “Aile Hekimliği Bilgi Sistemi Yazılımı Projesi (S-AHBS-01)”, December 4th 2015.

27.        TÜBİTAK 1512 (6 projects), October 2015.

28.        TÜBİTAK 3001, July 15th 2015.

29.        TeknoGirişim Panel (3 projects), the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, August 6th 2015.

30.        Trabzon Teknokent, Project Title: “Webisyön (Web İş Süreç Yönetimi)”, July 3rd 2015.

31.        Trabzon Teknokent, Project Title: “EDYS-Elektronik İmza ve Android Uygulaması”, June 7th 2015.

32.        Trabzon Teknokent, Project Title: “Kablosuz Duyarga Ağlarında Zaman Paylaşımlı Kanal Erişimi ve Yönlendirme Protokolü Gerçekleştirilmesi”, February 13rd 2015.

33.        TeknoGirişim Panel (5 projects), the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, February 28th 2014.

34.        Trabzon Teknokent, November 2nd 2009.

35.        Trabzon Teknokent, May 22nd 2008.





o     TürkPatent International Inventions Fair (ISIF’24), Silver Medal, TeknoFest Adana, October 2 – 5 2024.

o     Karadeniz Technical University, Institute of Science, Award for the Supervisorship of the Best Ph. D. Thesis in 2022.

o     Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Award of the Supervisorship for the Maximum number of Ph. D. Thesis in 2021.

o     First place award with the top GPA among the graduates of the Faculty of Engineering & Architecture including 10 departments at Karadeŋiz Technical University in 1994.

o     First place award with the top GPA among the graduates of the Department of Electronics Engineering at Karadeŋiz Technical University in 1994.

o     TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye) Scholarship between 1992-1994.





o     COST Action# CA22104, “Behavioral Next Generation in Wireless Networks for Cyber Security”, 12/05/2023, Member of the Working Groups# 1-2-3-4.

o     COST Action# CA22168 “Physical layer security for trustworthy and resilient 6G systems”, 12/05/2023, Member of the Working Groups# 1-2-3.

o     COST Action# CA21144, “Superconducting Nanodevices and Quantum Materials for Coherent Manipulation”, 27/05/2022, Member of the Working Groups# 2-3.

o     COST Action# CA20120 “Intelligence-Enabling Radio Communications for Seamless Inclusive Interactions”, 25/05/2021, Member of the Working Groups# 1-2-3.

o     COST Action# CA19111 “European Network on Future Generation Optical Wireless Communication Technologies”, 24/03/2020, Member of the Working Groups# 1-2-3.

o     The Chamber of Electrical & Electronics Engineers of Türkiye, (1994-2002).





o     Calligraphy (Roman, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Mongolian)

o     Painting

o     Decorative knotting & braiding & plaiting

o     Collecting (fountain pens, lighters, beads, knives, stamps, coins, banknotes)

o     Old Turkic scripts.

o     Font design.